This thread's a more relaxed chat/general-discussion thread for the whole mess, since not everything slots into the topic threads and people are going to need to blow off steam now and then.
If any user data at all ends up being migrated, it would sure be nice if it was possible to unban those who got taken out by one of Tube's random bouts of assholery (or the other old mods who used to imitate his style). Even if they never post again in a kind of "sorry we used to be run by a small minded, petty jerk" kind of way
Identifying who banned whom gets pretty fuzzy on the back end, especially when going back awhile. Spammers I unilaterally nuke just get "banned by a community manager" on their profiles. Figuring out who got fiat bans is (sometimes) doable but would take quite a bit of digging and context-hunting, at least from my end as just a mod without full under-the-hood capabilities.
You're not the first person to wonder about revisiting Bans of Yore in the context of the move though, and I'm planning to do some wheelspinning on how to at least think about older cases while still keeping the vast spammer hordes booted. On a technical level it's definitely a "can't make promises quite yet" thing though, just from the sheer scale of said banlist.
Identifying who banned whom gets pretty fuzzy on the back end, especially when going back awhile. Spammers I unilaterally nuke just get "banned by a community manager" on their profiles. Figuring out who got fiat bans is (sometimes) doable but would take quite a bit of digging and context-hunting, at least from my end as just a mod without full under-the-hood capabilities.
You're not the first person to wonder about revisiting Bans of Yore in the context of the move though, and I'm planning to do some wheelspinning on how to at least think about older cases while still keeping the vast spammer hordes booted.
yeah I can imagine it would be a very nasty thing to code. And it's not at all a high priority.
As random trivia the forum's banlist currently has 21,546 accounts on it.
Open the floodgates for the final week before the move.
Hell, New Jersey, it said on the letter. Delivered without comment. So be it!
Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
I would say keep the ban lists and if people wanna come back then the current mod staff reviews it. This is the perfect time to let people rejoin the community if they have a strong desire and are not toxic.
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
There are certain names for infamous people that should stay banned. But there's not very many and regardless of what happens with the banlist or what decisions are made, we can always just preemptively have them banned in the new world. Not that they couldn't just come back under an alt if they so desired, but it's the principle of it in regards to the likes of IMC.
WearingGlassesOf the friendly neighborhood varietyRegistered Userregular
How important is it we get the name of the new forums right? I keep thinking the impact of a name will be bigger than expected, but I could be way off base on this one.
How important is it we get the name of the new forums right? I keep thinking the impact of a name will be bigger than expected, but I could be way off base on this one.
It'll depend on the tradeoff happens. Like, I could see PA making a big announcement about the forums separating from PA and can now be found at Wang.Fu or whatever. Heck, that might even bring some old faces out of the wood work, though I can see that not necessarily being a great thing. Also it might draw a little too much attention to ourselves when we're still starting out and that could very well make us a target.
If the forum just vanishes one day, and only people who know of the transition know what happened, then yeah having the right name might be the difference between people being able to find there way here or not.
Or were you just talking, like, "it has to be a cool name" or something?
Undead Scottsman on
WearingGlassesOf the friendly neighborhood varietyRegistered Userregular
Bit of both, really? Aside from what you said, which is very much things to be considered, picking the right name might be trickier than expected, since this forums means a lot of things to a lot of people, and maybe a difference in tone might be enough to drive off some users.
I'm fine with people who maybe ate a permanent in the past getting reviewed for potential reinstatement under the new moderation staff with the standard 'thin ice / extra scrutiny' rules applied to them if they are deemed ok to return on probationary terms.
But that's the long-standing process that is already in place and is sorta tangental to the whole move to a new forum.
I think part of the problem with revisiting old bans is that many of them happened for very good reasons but years down the line memories get fuzzy and documentation gets sketchy. Maybe the person ate a ban for something unrelated to other very good reasons they shouldn't be allowed to return to our community. Some community members may feel very unsafe if past permabans are rescinded, but wouldn't feel safe speaking up about it unprompted.
I think with the basically complete turnover of the mod staff and fuzziness of institutional knowledge, if past perma-banned folks are asking to come back it should definitely be in consultation with the remaining retired mods and potentially a public discussion so people with concerns about said person have an opportunity to raise said concerns at least privately with the mods.
But overall, I can maybe think of one or two cases that probably should get consideration, but I have trouble thinking of anyone who ate an honest to god permanent who hadn't been basically begging for it long-term. I feel that at least during Geebs tenure that's a moderation step that was used reluctantly and as a last resort.
As a complete side-tangent, I was thinking about the requirements, and what we need to determine (in a off-the-cuff way) and there is one thing that jumped out for me:
I was compiling all the stakeholders, and we know a bunch already, such as the forumers, and we can probably make some classifications in those, but what's missing is:
We don't know what the mod team, a vital pillar of the forums, want. In a concrete way.
This is logical, as they might have had their internal discussions on the mod-board, or they might have something already visualized. Or they might just have thoughts that are obvious to them.
But based on my experiences with customers, it helps if the team knows what the customer wants. And having the customer concretely write down what they want is needed.
This turns nebulous thoughts like "It needs to be like Twitter" into something the team can work with, such as "Having direct messages between users is a must-have feature"
I would say, "I would greatly appreciate it if the mod team made a thread in this forum, where they can discuss their Must-haves, nice to haves, dreams, hopes and girl-crushes"
There is little point if Spool is researching on how to start a non-profit if this is a non-starter with the mod-team.
Another example, if it's a must that moderation can happen on a mobile phone without a seperate app, this info needs to be known.
This is just me being me, but we've been around for twenty years: I am not the same person I was twenty years ago, or even ten years ago really. (The halcyon days of pre-2016).
People change. If they can show genuine remorse for their behavior and truly understand why what they did was wrong, then hey, sure, give 'em a second chance.
If they just want to continue to be an asshole than they can be shown the door.
This is just me being me, but we've been around for twenty years: I am not the same person I was twenty years ago, or even ten years ago really. (The halcyon days of pre-2016).
People change. If they can show genuine remorse for their behavior and truly understand why what they did was wrong, then hey, sure, give 'em a second chance.
If they just want to continue to be an asshole than they can be shown the door.
Mostly agree except in instances where people were doing things like stalking or harassment.
If they just got banned for being assholes it’s been a long time, but I don’t know why they’d want to come back in the first place after so long.
Sir FabulousMalevolent Squid GodRegistered Userregular
I think the problem is that there may be people who were banned for stalking/harassment who enough time has passed that people may have forgotten about.
If you were booted for stalking in the past (which I know has happened), you're done. Forever. Go find somewhere else to post.
So, therefore, we should make the policy that you can be unbanned if there is evidence that the ban was for a relatively minor reason.
If nobody remembers or has evidence of why you were banned, unfortunately that will have to remain in place.
Unless someone expresses a desire to return, it really just does not matter. And if they do, there's already a process for that appeal. Maybe the appeal process can be expanded or changed, I dunno, but this feels like something NuForum's moderation should handle and isn't something we really need to tackle when making decisions on what to do to create NuForum.
Like, some people are happy being banned. Some people are better for it. It's not all about us and how we feel about it. Unless you know of someone who wants to come back, there's no real point in arguing about this.
SolyspPreviously Kane Red RobeRegistered Userregular
In general if you're banned for something silly hypothetically speaking, like posting a shock image when you were a shitty teen, and eventually want to come back and make a new account generally no one gives a shit about sussing out your sordid past. Hypothetically of course.
One thing I do think is worth talking about is how the appeals process works because might not belong to anyone currently maintaining the forum? @Ramius does this now go to you?
The biggest issue with Post Arcade is the PA company may not want us to have a name that close to Penny Arcade to avoid any confusion on whether or not we're still a part of that organization.
The biggest issue with Post Arcade is the PA company may not want us to have a name that close to Penny Arcade to avoid any confusion on whether or not we're still a part of that organization.
how dare you disparge our collective love for Marjorie Merriweather Post!!
but seriously, I don't think they'll care. They don't care -now-
The biggest issue with Post Arcade is the PA company may not want us to have a name that close to Penny Arcade to avoid any confusion on whether or not we're still a part of that organization.
I was thinking this as well. I don't think Post Arcade works - it's too close, and retains the initials. I still like Neo Arcadia, for a few reasons:
Expresses both history and newness
Sci-fi vibes
Megaman Zero reference
Not an in-joke
Not a genital reference
Sentiment neutral
Relevant precendent (NeoGAF)
Also, while we're here...
HacksawJ. Duggan Esq.Wrestler at LawRegistered Userregular
I still think The Shit Show At The Fuck Factory is a good catch-all.
AthenorBattle Hardened OptimistThe Skies of HiigaraRegistered Userregular
I really don't want to hang out in a place with vulgarity in the title. Ignoring any ramifications for things like SEO, I've never been comfortable with that kind of thing. It feels.. kinda immature.
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
I really don't want to hang out in a place with vulgarity in the title. Ignoring any ramifications for things like SEO, I've never been comfortable with that kind of thing. It feels.. kinda immature.
I'm pretty sure Hacksaw is joking, but yes I agree.
I really don't want to hang out in a place with vulgarity in the title. Ignoring any ramifications for things like SEO, I've never been comfortable with that kind of thing. It feels.. kinda immature.
I have total confidence that the current mods agree and am pretty sure all the suggestions of such are just lighthearted goofs
I really don't want to hang out in a place with vulgarity in the title. Ignoring any ramifications for things like SEO, I've never been comfortable with that kind of thing. It feels.. kinda immature.
I'm pretty sure Hacksaw is joking, but yes I agree.
The big independent audio engineering forum that has been around for a while was called gearslutz. They changed it to gearspace, and I'm much happier about it.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
syndalisGetting ClassyOn the WallRegistered User, Loves Apple Products, Transition Teamregular
My favorite suggestion so far hints at vulgarity, but only if you know, and it would be the most honest name for what this is.
It doesn't directly lean into penny arcade in any way, but it is an artifact of the posting culture, and the eventual tangents needing to go find a new home.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
I really don't want to hang out in a place with vulgarity in the title. Ignoring any ramifications for things like SEO, I've never been comfortable with that kind of thing. It feels.. kinda immature.
I'm pretty sure Hacksaw is joking, but yes I agree.
The big independent audio engineering forum that has been around for a while was called gearslutz. They changed it to gearspace, and I'm much happier about it.
Yep, I remember that. I mostly lurk there, I'm too intimidated to post much.
My favorite suggestion so far hints at vulgarity, but only if you know, and it would be the most honest name for what this is.
It doesn't directly lean into penny arcade in any way, but it is an artifact of the posting culture, and the eventual tangents needing to go find a new home.
See, this one I really like, due to the heritage of the forums (though it is mostly a D&D thing) and because like BFG, you can swap out the swear word for something else really easily.
He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
You're not the first person to wonder about revisiting Bans of Yore in the context of the move though, and I'm planning to do some wheelspinning on how to at least think about older cases while still keeping the vast spammer hordes booted. On a technical level it's definitely a "can't make promises quite yet" thing though, just from the sheer scale of said banlist.
yeah I can imagine it would be a very nasty thing to code. And it's not at all a high priority.
Open the floodgates for the final week before the move.
Any estimate on the amount of bots to people in that list?
It'll depend on the tradeoff happens. Like, I could see PA making a big announcement about the forums separating from PA and can now be found at Wang.Fu or whatever. Heck, that might even bring some old faces out of the wood work, though I can see that not necessarily being a great thing. Also it might draw a little too much attention to ourselves when we're still starting out and that could very well make us a target.
If the forum just vanishes one day, and only people who know of the transition know what happened, then yeah having the right name might be the difference between people being able to find there way here or not.
Or were you just talking, like, "it has to be a cool name" or something?
With one particularly dedicated troll being, what, 20% of those?
Which raises the question, since we're on the topic; how many accounts does the forum have total? Banned, active, inactive, everything?
But that's the long-standing process that is already in place and is sorta tangental to the whole move to a new forum.
I think part of the problem with revisiting old bans is that many of them happened for very good reasons but years down the line memories get fuzzy and documentation gets sketchy. Maybe the person ate a ban for something unrelated to other very good reasons they shouldn't be allowed to return to our community. Some community members may feel very unsafe if past permabans are rescinded, but wouldn't feel safe speaking up about it unprompted.
I think with the basically complete turnover of the mod staff and fuzziness of institutional knowledge, if past perma-banned folks are asking to come back it should definitely be in consultation with the remaining retired mods and potentially a public discussion so people with concerns about said person have an opportunity to raise said concerns at least privately with the mods.
But overall, I can maybe think of one or two cases that probably should get consideration, but I have trouble thinking of anyone who ate an honest to god permanent who hadn't been basically begging for it long-term. I feel that at least during Geebs tenure that's a moderation step that was used reluctantly and as a last resort.
I was compiling all the stakeholders, and we know a bunch already, such as the forumers, and we can probably make some classifications in those, but what's missing is:
We don't know what the mod team, a vital pillar of the forums, want. In a concrete way.
This is logical, as they might have had their internal discussions on the mod-board, or they might have something already visualized. Or they might just have thoughts that are obvious to them.
But based on my experiences with customers, it helps if the team knows what the customer wants. And having the customer concretely write down what they want is needed.
This turns nebulous thoughts like "It needs to be like Twitter" into something the team can work with, such as "Having direct messages between users is a must-have feature"
I would say, "I would greatly appreciate it if the mod team made a thread in this forum, where they can discuss their Must-haves, nice to haves, dreams, hopes and girl-crushes"
There is little point if Spool is researching on how to start a non-profit if this is a non-starter with the mod-team.
Another example, if it's a must that moderation can happen on a mobile phone without a seperate app, this info needs to be known.
I know its mostly a joke, but If we could not make the forum name wang.gooning or whatever, that would be appreciated.
but they're listening to every word I say
but seriously, I think Post Arcade would probably be best for simplicity and continuity
a poll seems like the democratic solution but we will absolutely be larlar.forums or
which I'm fine with personally but maybe a lot of us aren't
People change. If they can show genuine remorse for their behavior and truly understand why what they did was wrong, then hey, sure, give 'em a second chance.
If they just want to continue to be an asshole than they can be shown the door.
Mostly agree except in instances where people were doing things like stalking or harassment.
If they just got banned for being assholes it’s been a long time, but I don’t know why they’d want to come back in the first place after so long.
If you were booted for stalking in the past (which I know has happened), you're done. Forever. Go find somewhere else to post.
So, therefore, we should make the policy that you can be unbanned if there is evidence that the ban was for a relatively minor reason.
If nobody remembers or has evidence of why you were banned, unfortunately that will have to remain in place.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Unless someone expresses a desire to return, it really just does not matter. And if they do, there's already a process for that appeal. Maybe the appeal process can be expanded or changed, I dunno, but this feels like something NuForum's moderation should handle and isn't something we really need to tackle when making decisions on what to do to create NuForum.
Like, some people are happy being banned. Some people are better for it. It's not all about us and how we feel about it. Unless you know of someone who wants to come back, there's no real point in arguing about this.
Yes I agree, I’d rather not have to explain to my wife why I’m donating money to every month.
Also I really like Post Arcade!
just like a video game!
The real question is if the domain has a hyphen or not...
how dare you disparge our collective love for Marjorie Merriweather Post!!
but seriously, I don't think they'll care. They don't care -now-
I was thinking this as well. I don't think Post Arcade works - it's too close, and retains the initials. I still like Neo Arcadia, for a few reasons:
Also, while we're here...
It was nice knowing you Delzhand...
I'm pretty sure Hacksaw is joking, but yes I agree.
I have total confidence that the current mods agree and am pretty sure all the suggestions of such are just lighthearted goofs
The big independent audio engineering forum that has been around for a while was called gearslutz.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
It doesn't directly lean into penny arcade in any way, but it is an artifact of the posting culture, and the eventual tangents needing to go find a new home.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
Yep, I remember that. I mostly lurk there, I'm too intimidated to post much.
See, this one I really like, due to the heritage of the forums (though it is mostly a D&D thing) and because like BFG, you can swap out the swear word for something else really easily.