
Studio 60

ElkiElki get busyModerator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
edited July 2007 in Debate and/or Discourse
Aaron Sorkin's new show. It will start airing on September 18.

I only saw this short trailer, but it's obvious that it'll be similar to Sports Night, and that makes me very excited. I haven't watched the West Wing, yet, even though I got the DVDs, but I hear some actors from that show will be in this one.

So what do you think of Sorkin, his shows, and how excited does this make you? Are you tickled!

Elki on


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    deadonthestreetdeadonthestreet Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I loved Sports Night, and was pretty "meh" on the West Wing.

    I'm pretty pumped for this.

    deadonthestreet on
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    deowolfdeowolf is allowed to do that. Traffic.Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Elkamil wrote:
    Are you tickled!

    Like Elmo. The very premise makes me smile. The only question is how long until Josh Molina gets on the show.

    deowolf on
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    Lord Of The PantsLord Of The Pants Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Oh my god was the West Wing fantastic.

    I could just pump this thread full of fantastic one, and two liners.

    Aww shucks:
    Reporter: I'm wondering if the President has a plan to fight the resulting inflation.
    Josh: Twenty four PhD's and a Counsel of Economy Advisors, They have a plan to fight inflation.
    Reporter: Is the reason you won't tell us about it that it's a secret?
    Josh: <sarcasticly> Yeah, We have a secret inflation plan.


    President: I have a secret plan to fight inflation?
    Josh: No.
    President: Why am I gonna be reading that I do?
    Josh: It was suggested in the Press Room that you did.
    President: By who?
    Josh: By me.
    President: You told the press I have a secret plan to fight inflation?
    Josh: No, I did not. Let me be absolutely clear, I did not do that. Except, yes, I did that.
    President: Josh, I'm a little confused.

    Lord Of The Pants on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Yay! I can have my fucking heart ripped out again by the actions of some retarded network.


    oh, well... It's better to have loved and lost...

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    Paul_IQ164Paul_IQ164 Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Sports Night is great, but they refuse to release it on DVD in region 2, so I'm held hostage to the idiotic scheduling whims of obscure digital channel abc1, the only channel that shows it here, and then they generally only like to show it at midnight.

    God only knows if anyone over here will even buy the rights to this new show.

    Paul_IQ164 on
    But obviously to make that into a viable anecdote you have to tart it up a bit.
    Tetris: 337214-901184
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    SpaceMonkeySpaceMonkey Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Fuck. Yes.

    I am such a huge Sorkin fan. I just re-watched my Sports Night DVDs again the other week, and was wondering when the hell he'd get back to entertaining me with new stuff.

    I am so excited.

    So excited.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, elk. <3

    And watch the West Wing. Right now. Go.

    SpaceMonkey on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Paul, if you want to suport the franchise, just import it.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    Paul_IQ164Paul_IQ164 Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    redx wrote:
    Paul, if you want to suport the franchise, just import it.
    I would do, but I haven't got any way of playing Region 1 DVDs.

    Paul_IQ164 on
    But obviously to make that into a viable anecdote you have to tart it up a bit.
    Tetris: 337214-901184
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    geckahngeckahn Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Paul_IQ164 wrote:
    redx wrote:
    Paul, if you want to suport the franchise, just import it.
    I would do, but I haven't got any way of playing Region 1 DVDs.

    Sure you do. Just copy it and burn it region-less. I do it with all my copied DVD's.

    geckahn on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    geckahn wrote:
    Paul_IQ164 wrote:
    redx wrote:
    Paul, if you want to suport the franchise, just import it.
    I would do, but I haven't got any way of playing Region 1 DVDs.

    Sure you do. Just copy it and burn it region-less. I do it with all my copied DVD's.

    or, you know... or watch it on your computer. or get a tv card.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2006
    I can't wait. Sports Night was awesome. West Wing was awesome. This shall be awesome.

    Just in case any of you care, the pilot was leaked and is available for download via torrents and the such. I haven't downloaded it yet, but, if some of you don't want to wait I suggest that you go download it and post spoilers in this thread just to piss off the sort of people who hate spoilers.

    _J_ on
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    InkoateInkoate Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    There is not enough Aaron Sorkin to go around. If he wrote 3 tv shows simultaneously and never slept and did enough coke to kill a horse, it would not be enough.

    I'm excited for this.

    Inkoate on
    The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2006
    What surprises me about this show is that he's going back to NBC, which is the network on which West Wing aired and was the network with whom Sorkin fought and eventually left.

    So, he'll leave West Wing because of NBC management and then go back to NBC for his next show? That seems...odd.

    I know there were drug issues that had to do with his leaving, but I know that a big part of it was the network constantly riding him for not being good enough in spite of the awards he won.


    _J_ on
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    DiscGraceDiscGrace Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Yes. Tickled does not begin to describe it.

    Sports Night was fantastic, and I loved West Wing's first few years - the middle got a little "meh" (when Sorkin stopped writing it, ahem) but it picked up pretty decently at the end again.

    I finally stopped referring to Joshua Malina as "Jeremy" and rather as "Will", so I cross my fingers to have the chance to call him yet some other name. I'll take Bradley Whitford happily in the interim though. :)

    DiscGrace on
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2006
    "I finally stopped referring to Joshua Malina as "Jeremy" and rather as "Will", so I cross my fingers to have the chance to call him yet some other name. I'll take Bradley Whitford happily in the interim though."

    I just call him "Joshua" because he doesn't play a different character so much as he shows up and hustles people out of their poker money.

    _J_ on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited August 2006

    a network is actually going to air this?


    edit:ok, mabey not so much suprise. Which is really a good thing. fucking amazing.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    Gerbil2309Gerbil2309 Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I love all things Sorkin, and i'm really looking forward to Studio 60, but i have to say that the trailer linked in the OP didn't really do much for me.

    Admittedly, it's very short, but i think whoever put it together didn't do a very good job of making the show seem anything out of the ordinary. It didn't really show off any of the usual Sorkin magic (which, i have no doubt, will be present in the final broadcast).

    It's really a small snark, especially since i can't imagine it would be very easy to sell his kind of work in a typical advert.

    Gerbil2309 on
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    PatboyXPatboyX Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    i had no idea he was behind the west wing. i love sports nite and, had i known, probably would have watched the west wing.
    too late now, suckers!

    i am excited about this new thing, though.

    PatboyX on
    "lenny bruce is not afraid..."
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    SpaceMonkeySpaceMonkey Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    PatboyX wrote:
    i had no idea he was behind the west wing. i love sports nite and, had i known, probably would have watched the west wing.
    too late now, suckers!

    But it's not too late! Buy the DVDs. You will not regret your purchase, I guarantee.

    SpaceMonkey on
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    SumalethSumaleth Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Sorkin-era West Wing is my favourite television. Ever.

    Sports Night is right up there in the top 5 too.

    Can't wait for 60.

    And yes, Malina needs to join the cast at some point. It's not fully Sorkin'd without Malina troddling around in the background somewhere.

    Sumaleth on
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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    PatboyX wrote:
    i had no idea he was behind the west wing. i love sports nite and, had i known, probably would have watched the west wing.
    too late now, suckers!

    But it's not too late! Buy the DVDs. You will not regret your purchase, I guarantee.

    At least not till season 4 or 5. (The lack of Sorkin cuts in about there. Not bad just nowhere near as good.)

    So... I may have seen a pilot of this and I may have thought it was well done. Some of this is because Amanda Peet is awesome and some it the wonderful snappy writing.

    This show needs to kick the crap out of that other NBC SNL sit-com show.

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2006
    Wow. People exist who didn't know Sorkin was involved with West Wing?

    Sorkin did West Wing seasons 1-4. If you enjoyed Sports Night for the dialog, camera work, and walk and talk style then go purchase West Wing seasons 1-4. I think Season 1 is very cheap from places like Wal-Mart.

    For the person who said that the trailer didn't "do it for them". It's a trailer. Everything I have heard about the pilot is positive.

    I'm still amazed that it's on NBC, though.

    _J_ on
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    jotatejotate Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    *licks a toad*

    "I finally get Aaron Sorkin's Sports Night. It's a comedy that too good to be funny!"

    I was unaware, watching the previews for Studio 60, that it was Aaron Sorkin's work. I will now be checking it out for sure.

    jotate on
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    GorakGorak Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Paul_IQ164 wrote:
    redx wrote:
    Paul, if you want to suport the franchise, just import it.
    I would do, but I haven't got any way of playing Region 1 DVDs.
    Look for a cheap-ass Korean DVD player - you'd be surprised at what some of them will play.

    Gorak on
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    PatboyXPatboyX Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    _J_ wrote:
    Wow. People exist who didn't know Sorkin was involved with West Wing?

    Sorkin did West Wing seasons 1-4. If you enjoyed Sports Night for the dialog, camera work, and walk and talk style then go purchase West Wing seasons 1-4. I think Season 1 is very cheap from places like Wal-Mart.

    For the person who said that the trailer didn't "do it for them". It's a trailer. Everything I have heard about the pilot is positive.

    I'm still amazed that it's on NBC, though.

    yeah, i dont really watch tv. i mean, the tv i do tends to already be on dvd or something. i also prefer series that have a start to finish style of plot and, because of this, really hate to catch a show that isnt "done"

    PatboyX on
    "lenny bruce is not afraid..."
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2006
    "yeah, i dont really watch tv. i mean, the tv i do tends to already be on dvd or something. i also prefer series that have a start to finish style of plot and, because of this, really hate to catch a show that isnt "done""

    West Wing is both on DVD and done.

    Purchase it, man!

    _J_ on
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    SpaceMonkeySpaceMonkey Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I just acquired and watched the pilot.

    It's so Sorkin. During the first dialogue exchange, I was just thinking "man I've missed this."

    The episode is like almost autobiographical. Guy gets fired for speaking his mind about the state of current TV on-air, and the station (NBS) gets ahold of two writers who were fired from the station four years earlier to replace him. The two guys are award-winning writers/directors, one of whom battled drugs.

    And the cast... maybe I'm supposed to be ashamed to admit this, but I always liked Matthew Perry. I shouldn't have to say anything about Brad Whitford. Felicity Huffman (Dana from Sports Night) cameos as herself. Timothy Busfield (Danny Concannon from West Wing) has a role as director of the control room.

    Can't wait for more of this show.

    An abridged (by me) taste of the script (which you can read on wikipedia):

    Note: this rant is interspersed with reactions from people on the shows staff, hence all of the elipses and incomplete thoughts.

    This show used to be cutting edge political and social satire, but it's gotten lobotomized by a candy-ass broadcast network hell-bent on doing nothing that might challenge their audience. We were about to do a sketch you've already seen 500 times. Yes, no one's gonna confuse George Bush with George Plimpton, we get it. We're all being lobotomized by the country's most influential industry which has thrown in the towel on any endeavor that does not include the courting of 12-year-old boys. And not event the smart 12-year-olds, the stupid ones, the idiots, of which there are plenty thanks in no small part to this network. So change the channel, turn off the TV. Do it right now. ...and there's always been a struggle between art and commerce, but now I'm telling you art is getting is ass kicked, and it's making us mean, and it's making us bitchy, and it's making us cheap punks and that's not who we are. ...We're eating works for money, "Who Wants to Screw My Sister", guys are getting killed in a war that's got theme music and a logo. That remote in your hand is a crack pipe... ...and it's not even good pornography. They're just this side of snuff films, and friends, that's what's next 'cause that's all that's left. And the two things that make them scared gutless are the FCC and every psycho-religious cult that gets positively horny at the very mention of a boycott. These are the people they're afraid of, this prissy, feckless, off-the-charts greed-filled whorehouse of a network you're watching. This thoroughly unpatriotic--


    SpaceMonkey on
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2006
    :) Oh Sweet Happiness.

    "maybe I'm supposed to be ashamed to admit this, but I always liked Matthew Perry"

    I, too, like Matthew Perry. I, too, felt a sense of shame. But when he was on West Wing I hoped that he would eventually get a role that let him do his thing.

    _J_ on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    there is a lot more to it then just that, though. About 10 minutes later they basiclly go on to explain how everything that was said there was true, and that the network should own up to it and that they will be able to get a bunch of maket share because of it.

    While the statment is true, including it at the start of the show is an intentioal move to manipulate the view. More or less coming out and saying that as well displays a kind of honesty I have never seen in a show produced while I was alive.

    This same honesty is applied almost across the board. About drugs, relgion and genrally the internal politics of producing a tv show. It's amazing.

    In the best bits of Sports Night and West Wing Sorkin's belifes are so prevelent that this presence is almost palable. That he is amost a character that is constantly off camara. This is continued in the pilot.

    Of course the writing and acting are amazing, but that is almost a given.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2006
    I just watched the pilot, and goddamn, it was no candy-assed shit. <3

    Elki on
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    ClevingerClevinger Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I really loved the pilot. Perry and Whitford were great, I really love their characters. The only thing that I didn't like about it was the whole girlfriend/comedian 700 club thing. That was pretty ridiculous...

    Clevinger on
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    MutePrezMutePrez Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    Where are you guys seeing the pilot? did it start airing already?

    Oh god, what have I missed? :cry:

    MutePrez on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited September 2006
    MutePrez wrote:
    Where are you guys seeing the pilot? did it start airing already?

    Oh god, what have I missed? :cry:

    naw, it has not aired yet, it was leaked.

    if you look for it you can probably find it.

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    "Leaked" by Netflix that is.

    I was very impressed with Peet's performance. The shift from the boardroom scene immediately to the "My office" scene struck me as wonderful acted.

    Clevinger which part of the 700 club thing did you not like? I thought it was fairly realistic.

    I am curious about (once again) a main character being religious. I was impressed with the manner the West Wing handle the whole issue but I had orginally heard the Sheen insisted upon it being an major concern of Bartlett. Was I misinformed or has Sorkin just found a new toy?[/url]

    DevoutlyApathetic on
    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2006
    I am curious about (once again) a main character being religious. I was impressed with the manner the West Wing handle the whole issue but I had orginally heard the Sheen insisted upon it being an major concern of Bartlett. Was I misinformed or has Sorkin just found a new toy?[/url]

    I don't think it was Sheen's idea. My understanding (From the Making of Two Cathedrals episode) was that Sheen was somewhat uncomfortable with portraying some of Bartlet's religious aspects.

    _J_ on
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    redxredx I(x)=2(x)+1 whole numbersRegistered User regular
    edited September 2006

    does the netflix one have the title music?

    redx on
    They moistly come out at night, moistly.
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    ClevingerClevinger Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    Clevinger which part of the 700 club thing did you not like? I thought it was fairly realistic.[/url]

    How a comedian, who is a seemingly genuine christain, would want to go on something like the 700 club in the first place (to sell a cd, or otherwise).

    Clevinger on
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited September 2006
    Clevinger wrote:
    Clevinger which part of the 700 club thing did you not like? I thought it was fairly realistic.

    How a comedian, who is a seemingly genuine christain, would want to go on something like the 700 club in the first place (to sell a cd, or otherwise).
    If the Chairman of the DNC could do it...

    Elki on
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    SpaceMonkeySpaceMonkey Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    This site is calling Studio 60 the best new show this fall.

    Aaaahhhh I can't wait to see more of this show.

    SpaceMonkey on
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    AnimeleeAnimelee Registered User regular
    edited September 2006
    I've watched a few of the fall pilots over the summer. Studio 60, Kidnapped, Shark, The Nine, and Heroes.

    Studio 60 is probably the new show I'm most excited for, followed by Heroes, Shark, and then The Nine.

    Kidnapped definitely wasn't that great. I think it's gonna be the first to get the axe, along with FOX's Standoff. The reason why is that the plot of Kidnapped could be wrapped up in an episode of Law & Order, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, or Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and those shows'd do a much better job of it, too.

    Standoff just looks too... forced. Most of us like sexual tension, like Sawyer-Kate-Jack in LOST, Charlie and Amita/Larry and Megan in Numb3rs, Elliot and Olivia in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, House-Cuddy-Cameron in House MD, or Pam and Jim in The Office. But Standoff seems to be forcing its sexual tension in our faces, judging by the "oh-so-surprising/embarassing" revelation in the commercials. If they kept that for the episode itself, maybe it would've been more interesting.

    But back to Studio 60 -- it's great. I love Judd Hirsch, especially as Alan on Numb3rs, and he definitely does a great job as the executive producer (?) on the sketch show in Studio 60. Next year, I'm hoping he'll win "Best Guest Star" at the Emmys for his work in Studio 60. It's that good. Amazing stuff. And the rest of the cast is great, too.

    Critics and those who've seen the pilot are going crazy for this show. Let's hope it lasts, and doesn't end up to be another Arrested Development.

    Animelee on
    Pokeymanz: 4081 1995 6825 (If you add me, let me know! :D)
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