
Omegle - Talk to Strangers



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    GravesGraves Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Alpine wrote: »
    Stranger: hello
    You: Can I kick it?
    Stranger: No.
    You: Damn it
    You: I'll never be a killer emcee
    Stranger: hahahahahaha


    You: hi
    Stranger: Hello, I am from the future
    Stranger: I have come to warn you of something tragic
    You: what a coincedence
    You: i came from your future
    You: to warn you about this
    Stranger: ........................................... ..................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
    .................................................. ..................................,-~''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
    .................................................. .............................,~''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
    .................................................. .............................|::::::,-~'''___''''~~--~''':}
    .................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
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    .................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : : : : : : :
    .................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA
    .................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/
    .................................................. ............................,-''\':\: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
    .................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;\:''-,: : : :'~---~''/|
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    You: exactly
    Stranger: I got it off first
    Stranger: I win
    You: we must eliminate RICK ASTLEY
    You: SE++ WOOOOOo
    Stranger: lolirl

    Graves on
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    Meta T. DustMeta T. Dust Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    talking so much about weed

    Meta T. Dust on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: if it were legal would you fuck a middle schooler?
    You: Only if they were held-back a bunch of times.
    You: You know, if they were actually like, 19.
    Stranger: you sick fuck
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    mully on
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    GravesGraves Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You: i'm dropping the beat now
    You: the beat is dropped
    You: freesytle!
    You: freestyle, homie!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Graves on
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    GravesGraves Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    mully wrote: »
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: if it were legal would you fuck a middle schooler?
    You: Only if they were held-back a bunch of times.
    You: You know, if they were actually like, 19.
    Stranger: you sick fuck
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    This is pretty much the same exact thing i posted a couple of pages back

    Graves on
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    BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: when you gaze into the jerkstore, the jerkstore gazes back at you
    You: You are going to the lardroom
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Bedlam on
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    LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    mully you sick fuck

    Langly on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    yeah i know, i wonder if they feel like they're getting the same person

    mully on
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    Run Run RunRun Run Run __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2009
    You: furrie?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Run Run Run on
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    redheadredhead Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: FAT PEOPLE
    You: yeah bro
    You: is it true that you explode
    You: in space
    Stranger: sort of
    You: if you're fat I bet you explode extra hard
    Stranger: yeah, it's like a bunker buster
    You: but for spacebunkers
    Stranger: how much do you weigh
    You: in 3009, conventional ordinance is replaced by fatties
    You: 182
    Stranger: the would would be a better place
    You: but it's not much muscle
    You: alas
    Stranger: well I think they'd start with the super-obese people
    Stranger: and eventually move onto skinnier ones
    You: wouldn't they want to save those? that would be like starting with nukes and then using bullets
    You: you gotta save your big stuff for last
    Stranger: yeah
    You: probably use like
    Stranger: but I mean, if you wanted to win a war really fast
    Stranger: you would drop Adara Gunn
    Stranger: or Rosie O'Donnell
    You: this is true
    You: or you could just detonate one as a show of might
    You: and for entertainment I guess
    Stranger: we do have the fattest people
    Stranger: like, we have several over 1000 pounds
    You: we?
    Stranger: oh, are you a terrorist
    Stranger: or an americans
    Stranger: american
    Stranger: without an s
    You: oh I'm an americans
    Stranger: oh ok
    You: though, you know
    You: any terrorist could say that
    Stranger: that's true
    Stranger: I got my TS/SCI a few months ago, so you know I'm not a terrorist
    You: I would except I don't know what that is
    You: a degree of some sort?
    Stranger: oh, well the government trusts me with top secret information
    Stranger: a clearance
    You: oh dang
    You: do they really have big red stamps
    Stranger: because I'm in the navy and I need that clearance for some reason
    You: that say TOP SECRET
    Stranger: no, they have stickers
    You: haha
    Stranger: that you can't peel off without ripping them to pieces
    You: ohhhhhh
    You: 'spretty smart
    Stranger: I'm actually still in training
    Stranger: so the computers we use only go up to "secret"
    Stranger: which is boring
    Stranger: I looked up area 51 today
    Stranger: nothing interesting
    You: oh, darn
    You: have you ever found out anything you could be shot for telling me?
    Stranger: nah
    Stranger: secret information is boring
    Stranger: I'm an imagery interpreter
    Stranger: so I look at crappy satellite photos
    Stranger: and figure out what the fuck they are
    You: oh
    Stranger: secret would be like the coordinates of what I'm looking at
    You: so that we can't go "whoops, we THOUGHT those were WMDs" next time I guess
    Stranger: oooh, actually..
    You: ??
    Stranger: we did have imagery of WMDs, because they did have chemical weapons plants at one point
    You: but it wasn't current? or what
    Stranger: they weren't exactly operational
    Stranger: and they got most of their shit out of the country before we invaded
    Stranger: so yeah
    Stranger: oops
    You: oh well
    You: their fault anyway, if they didn't wanna be invaded maybe they should have been americans instead of turrists!
    Stranger: exactly!
    You: america hardly ever gets invaded
    You: it's really one of my favorite things about living here
    Stranger: yeah
    Stranger: not since 1812
    You: thought I guess people were a bit worried in WWII
    Stranger: yeah
    Stranger: that's why my next duty station was created, as a matter of fact
    You: but all that happened was the japanese tried to set some forest fires
    You: oh? awesome
    You: so, like, hawaii?
    Stranger: naval air station fallon
    Stranger: nevada
    You: whoa, they were serious then
    You: nevada ain't exactly coastline
    Stranger: yeah
    Stranger: but it's in the desert, and it's a good remote location to put a bunch of aircraft
    You: that makes sense I guess
    Stranger: I chose Fallon because it's pretty close to home, though
    Stranger: I'm from sacramento, california
    You: oh, tight
    You: I'm from fremont, near san jose
    Stranger: oh cool
    Stranger: I have a friend who goes to san jose state
    You: I have a friend who went there and then dropped out to live on his parents couch!
    You: small world
    Stranger: hahaha
    Stranger: I think my friends' parents would get angry if he dropped out and lived on their couch
    You: yeah
    You: I dunno about this guy, everyone who knows him is kinda worried about him
    Stranger: why's that?
    You: just that he doesn't really seem to know what he's doing
    You: he says the plan is to just join the workforce now and make a buncha money
    You: but he picked kind of a bad time to do that
    Stranger: yeah, definitely
    You: and he doesn't seem to be very serious about it
    You: I bet he ends up going back to school, actually
    You: but we'll see
    Stranger: I'm definitely going to school while I'm in nevada
    Stranger: I mean, I'm there for 3 years, from what I hear we don't do any work, so yeah
    Stranger: why not
    You: yeah good plan
    You: how'd you end up in the navy, anyway?
    Stranger: I signed up after junior year in high school, and I was in the delayed entry program for a year
    Stranger: and I knew I wanted to be an "intelligence specialist" because it sounded cool
    Stranger: I didn't really know what that meant
    You: oh haha dang
    Stranger: so I went to boot camp july 15
    Stranger: and got out in september, and ever since I've been in virginia beach
    Stranger: and it sucks here
    You: how was boot camp?
    Stranger: just like the movies
    Stranger: like, full metal jacket
    You: seriously
    Stranger: I watched that right after I got out
    Stranger: and it was so similar
    You: man
    Stranger: just less shooting
    You: that's pretty intense
    Stranger: we just shot pistols and shotguns
    Stranger: it's really not that hard once you get used to it
    Stranger: the first few days are awful
    You: I don't think I'll ever find out
    Stranger: probably not
    Stranger: are you in school right now or what
    You: yeah, a junior college in my hometown
    You: it's pretty crappy, but I should be able to transfer to a real school (a UC) if I keep my act together
    Stranger: haha yeah
    Stranger: a lot of my friends go to community college
    Stranger: even the ones who got really good grades in high school
    You: financial reasons, then?
    Stranger: yeah
    Stranger: one of them is joining the air force soon
    You: interesting
    You: so when you join the military right out of school, do you plan on making it a career?
    Stranger: nah, I'm probably just doing my 6 years
    Stranger: having my clearance helps me out a lot
    Stranger: I could work for the NGA and make six figures right out of the military, but I would probably have to live in washington, dc
    You: shit, sounds worth it to me
    Stranger: eh
    Stranger: I miss the west coast
    Stranger: virginia is the only state where it can be sunny out and look like a nice day, but still be like 30 degrees
    You: oh, ouch : /
    You: yeah I've never lived anywhere else, but from what I've seen from flying around for various things
    You: west coast really seems to be best coast
    Stranger: definitely
    Stranger: after fallon, I have to be on a ship
    Stranger: as long as I get something homeported in san diego, I'm fine with that
    You: how much time do you get to spend in your home port?
    Stranger: it depends
    Stranger: I have a friend who just graduated, and he's supposed to be on a ship in norfolk
    Stranger: and they just have him sitting on a barge
    Stranger: because he's not going on deployment until 2010
    Stranger: so yeah, they waste a lot of resources
    You: oh wow
    You: okay I gotta go, gotta get ready for a job interview and give myself some time to travel there (it is basically a formality, I know I have the job)
    You: nice chattin' with you dude
    You: good luck with the whole navy thing
    Stranger: thanks
    Stranger: good luck with all the school stuff
    You: thanks
    You: bye
    Stranger: bye
    You have disconnected.

    it started off really silly and then it was like

    a good conversation

    I like that dude

    redhead on
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    DrZiplockDrZiplock Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    This gentleman was very convinced that he should shoot his foot and NOT eat a burrito.

    I took the stance that without two working feet you can't go get a burrito.

    I feel that this was the correct stance.

    DrZiplock on
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    DruhimDruhim Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2009
    Callius wrote: »
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: a 59 year old lady just showed me her tits
    You: This could either be awesome or horrible
    You: Were they like pancakes made of old, decaying paper?
    Stranger: oh it was awesome, i'll tell you that much
    Stranger: they weren't as bad as you'd expect
    Stranger: then again, i have absolutely no standards
    You: Well
    Stranger: so take what i say with a grain of salt
    You: tits is tits
    Stranger: yeah, they were like good fixer upper tits... kind of beat up, but a layer of my semen would tidy them right up
    You: But that's just like adding shelack to a decaying wall
    You: sometimes you have to tear down the wall and redo the framing
    Stranger: well you do what you gotta do when times are hard
    You: what I'm saying is that you should chop off her tits and give her new ones.
    Stranger: if i had that kind of power, every woman in the world would be walking around with a perfect set of DD's
    You: I read an article the other day that they're starting medical trials in Britain to use stem cells to grow tits.
    You: no lie
    You: The future is going to be awesome, my friend. It will be awesome.
    Stranger: god bless those brits
    Stranger: those are the priorities i'd like to see here in america
    You: Precisely.
    Stranger: fuck federal bailouts and bankruptcies
    You: Let's convert Wyoming to a giant tit growing vat.
    Stranger: sounds like a plan. we're in agreement. let's go double team some hoes
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    you chatted with shibby

    Druhim on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I should've said 24 year olds
    I probably would've gotten the same reaction

    mully on
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    SwillSwill Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You: This is new and exciting
    You: also a bit frightening
    Stranger: its not new
    Stranger: don't be scared
    You: You easy my worries
    Stranger: what is the worst that could happen?
    You: Rape
    You: but that is also the best tihng
    You: just depends on who is doing what
    Stranger: I've only raped and murdered like 3 ppl i've talked to on the internet
    Stranger: and i've talked to like over 1k ppl
    Stranger: so the chances are slim
    You: Like, if I rape you, it ain't so bad
    You: I can deal with that
    Stranger: are you male or female?
    You: Male
    Stranger: you'd wish i'd rape you
    You: I have more testosterone that John Wayne
    Stranger: I usually don't talk about my testosterone levels with other guys
    Stranger: u must be from san fran

    Swill on
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    Meta T. DustMeta T. Dust Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    New Movie Idea

    Around The World In 80 Bonghits™

    Meta T. Dust on
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    FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    My fursona is a crack addicted possum

    Fandyien on
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    FugaFuga Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    hey i'm in this thread!
    on this page!

    Fuga on
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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Swill wrote: »
    Stranger: I usually don't talk about my testosterone levels with other guys
    Stranger: u must be from san fran

    Must be

    Grey Ghost on
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    FabricateFabricate __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2009
    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Sup
    Stranger: hey
    Stranger: age?
    You: no
    Stranger: b or g
    You: no
    You: This is why we can't have nice things
    You: this right here
    You: feel ashamed

    Fabricate on
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    britinichubritinichu Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Stranger: I was actually working on a blog post about this site.
    Stranger: How did you hear about this, if you don't mind me asking?
    You: um, saw it on a MB, people were posting weird convo's that they had here.
    You: thought i would give it a try.
    Stranger: Gotcha. So far I've received responses that range from "Friend" to "4chan."
    Stranger: For my part, I heard about it on Twitter.
    You: also, there's an ongoing discussion in my house about how many exclamation points == contempt or irony.
    Stranger: That is an awesome conversation.
    Stranger: It's sort of like how many "a's" you should put in the word Khan when emulating Kirk's scream.
    You: yeah. so, me personally, I think that 5 (!!!!!) equals clear contempt for someone
    You: hahahaha. buried alive, Kirk, buried alive
    Stranger: Ok, coolest stranger I've met here yet.
    You: aw, thanks
    Stranger: It's not that high a compliment. You should see the other conversations.
    You: to be completely honest, I hope to have a conversation along those lines at some point.
    Stranger: Mine were pretty banal, except the last guy who talked about his willy and whether or not I was his auntie.
    Stranger: But he disconnected when he saw he wasn't getting a rise out of me.
    You: lol, what?
    You: that's amusing.
    Stranger: Yeah, he was just trolling a little.
    Stranger: It's to be expected with an anonymous environment. I was surprised it took four conversations before I encountered it, to be honest.
    You: yeah. totally.
    You: this is actually my first
    You: so, you're probably setting the bar WAY too high
    Stranger: Ha!
    Stranger: Well, I'm a professional writer by trade.
    Stranger: I'm only a jerk when I'm off the clock.
    You: hahaha
    You: oh dang, maybe that's why i never got responses to any of my resumes I sent out to be a copy editor/ staff writer.
    Stranger: Right. Step one, don't address your cover letter to "The d-bag who does all the hiring."
    You: fuck! that's the sort of thing that they don't tell you in college
    Stranger: Yeah, you learn that in the school of hard knocks, my friend.
    You: truth that.
    You: okay, so twitter. EVERYONE is doing it now. have you written about that?
    You: because it MIGHT be slightly too late to jump on that bandwagon.
    You: oh man, i need to google Ric Romero RIGHT NOW.

    britinichu on
    "Your telephone line has sprung up leaks from all the lies I've told."
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    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    I just keep telling people random facts about Wyoming's economy.

    Like how we export the most coal of any state and shit.

    Metzger Meister on
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    RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    aw man

    so close

    You: MOCK
    Stranger: yes
    You: ING
    Stranger: no
    You: aw
    Stranger: :(
    You: I was going to give it to you for the "yes" but I can't swing a no
    Stranger: i c
    You: oh my god chicken alfredo is SO GOOD I AM GOING TO GO MAD FROM EXCELLENCE
    Stranger: sick stuff
    You: yes
    Stranger: indeed
    You: food is so gross
    You: you're not much of a talker are you
    You: come on man it's anonymous, you have to spill a little
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Raneados on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    ugh someone just said "i'm from /b/ kthxbai" and left

    mully on
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    DrZiplockDrZiplock Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Vienna!
    Stranger: man its u again
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Well...that right there is proof there are many of us trying the Vienna.

    DrZiplock on
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    Meta T. DustMeta T. Dust Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Aw man

    I just had the longest talk about weed with this dude.

    Man I'll never meet that bro, or know his name.

    This summer vent crew goes to Amsterdam and Athens in search of the coolest bro.

    Brotal Strangers

    Meta T. Dust on
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    redfenixredfenix Aka'd as rfix Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Stranger: Terts?
    You: no thanks, i already ate
    You: yellow?
    Stranger: I'd prefer to stay away from a chinese tonight.
    You: afraid, are you?
    Stranger: Well, they are pretty dam handy with Nun-Chucks
    You: indeed
    You: VIENNA?
    Stranger: Milan.
    You: aw.
    You: so, thug aim?
    Stranger: I'm afraid not, the wolves are out tonight.
    You: but not until 3:45
    Stranger: Your cunning, you.
    You: my cunning what
    Stranger: cunnilingus?
    You: don't mind if i do

    redfenix on
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    FabricateFabricate __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2009
    You: Sup
    Stranger: pus
    You: Sup
    Stranger: Pus
    You: Racecar
    Stranger: Racecar
    Stranger: fuck
    You: hah.

    Fabricate on
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    mcpmcp Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You: Mooboooobboo
    Stranger: im in love with you
    You: I LOVE YOU TOO!
    Stranger: HAVE MY BABIES@
    Stranger: OVER 9000000
    Stranger: LETS DO IT NAO
    You: HOW DO YOU LIKE IT/!?!
    Stranger: IN THE BUT
    You: WHICH ONE?
    Stranger: the one upside down
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    mcp on
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    DrZiplockDrZiplock Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    DrZiplock wrote: »
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Vienna!
    Stranger: man its u again
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Well...that right there is proof there are many of us trying the Vienna.

    At some point we WILL run into each other.

    DrZiplock on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    i just asked someone what they'd pay for a book illustration and they told me pretty much what i plan on charging. that was neat.

    mully on
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    LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Fabricate wrote: »
    You: Sup
    Stranger: pus
    You: Sup
    Stranger: Pus
    You: Racecar
    Stranger: Racecar
    Stranger: fuck
    You: hah.

    oh my god this had me rolling

    Langly on
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    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: Hi.
    Stranger: male/female?
    You: male, my good internet predator.
    You: how goes the hunting?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Metzger Meister on
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    Meta T. DustMeta T. Dust Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: CODY?
    You: VIENNA?
    You: what
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Meta T. Dust on
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    ubernekouberneko Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Fabricate wrote: »
    You: Sup
    Stranger: pus
    You: Sup
    Stranger: Pus
    You: Racecar
    Stranger: Racecar
    Stranger: fuck
    You: hah.

    This is so classic, hahahahaha.

    uberneko on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    i just got a vienna person but they wouldnt tell me who they were

    mully on
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    Meta T. DustMeta T. Dust Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    mully wrote: »
    i just got a vienna person but they wouldnt tell me who they were

    post what was said

    Meta T. Dust on
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    DrZiplockDrZiplock Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    mully wrote: »
    i just got a vienna person but they wouldnt tell me who they were


    If you get Vienna'd you know the answer. Cough up a name at least.

    DrZiplock on
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    mullymully Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    mully wrote: »
    i just got a vienna person but they wouldnt tell me who they were

    post what was said

    i closed it
    they said nothing of interest

    mully on
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    Darth WaiterDarth Waiter Elrond Hubbard Mordor XenuRegistered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Some people just hate food.
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: I hate n******s
    You: I am so very hungry
    You: well
    You: that was abrupt
    Stranger: eat fried chicken
    Stranger: or watermellon
    Stranger: YOU N*****
    You: I was going to talk about potatoes
    You: and baked fish
    You: this might have been a mistake
    Stranger: you're irish ?
    You: No, Texan
    Stranger: oh redneck, OK
    You: with a smattering of somelier
    Stranger: I hate rednecks too
    You: as do i
    Stranger: bye

    Darth Waiter on
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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited March 2009
    Stranger: Hi /b/
    You: Oh fuck right off
    You have disconnected.

    Grey Ghost on
This discussion has been closed.