[Steam] Thread: Holy cow this 2K sale is the real deal



  • xiearsxiears It isn't sexual Strictly confectionalRegistered User regular
    Another two games off the backlog, both Nightmare from the Deep games. Pretty decent hidden object adventure games.

    Thinking of moving onto Guacamelee next, is it worth getting the Super Turbo edition before I start? Reading the steam threads there are a lot of people complaining it doesn't add much, but then again it's the steam community, they'd complain no matter how good it was.

    Also I sprung for the Titanium bundle, mostly because of Spy Chameleon RGB. So I have the following to give away:



    I have 4 copies of Murder Miners as well now (I feel bad after just winning a copy from Maguano, but I couldn't resist the bundle), but it's in the form of a key for the 4-pack. I'll run a gift for 1 copy below, then if the winner would be kind enough to spread the others among other people here that would be grand!


  • RedthirstRedthirst Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Redthirst wrote: »
    Man, people seem to hate Borderlands Pre-Sequel...


    That was my thought, but I've found that a lot of people whining that this should be an expansion for BL2, that it's overpriced, that it's not developed solely by Gearbox. Though I guess it's a pretty common situation when sequels are released.

    Redthirst on
  • ShimshaiShimshai Flush with Success! Isle of EmeraldRegistered User regular
    Those are the issues I would have with it.

    It remains to be seen if they'll fix the loot system though. That more than anything will be a deciding factor for me.

    Steam/Origin: Shimshai

  • RedthirstRedthirst Registered User regular
    Shimshai wrote: »
    Those are the issues I would have with it.

    It remains to be seen if they'll fix the loot system though. That more than anything will be a deciding factor for me.

    Maybe I'm alone on it, but I kinda enjoyed the loot system. I know that most items that can drop are usless, but that makes it even more sweet when you find something good.

  • chrisnlchrisnl Registered User regular
    With it being between BL1 and BL2 in size, I have no problem with the Pre-Sequel being a full price game. I'd obviously be happier if it were a $40 game instead, but there was plenty to do in BL1 so it's not like it would be a ripoff. I'm sure it'll be on sale no later than next summer as well, so people looking for a cheaper price can always wait.

    That said, I've always felt that prequels are tricky to pull off right. There is a possibility that the game turns out much worse than either of the other two, and if they go even further with the loot rarity I might get really annoyed. So right now I'm pretty keen on it, but I'm keeping an eye on the news coming out regarding issues like the loot philosophy and presence/absence of "raid" bosses.

  • SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    I just ordered a ton of LED lights for my classroom. I am super excited.
    I duck out of the steam thread for stretches sometimes when I'm super poor because it is crazy tempting looking at stuff. Like that Verbis voice spell thing. That sounds awesome.
    But I still need to beat Bravely Default, and Divinity: Original Sin, and Sniper Elite 3, and Walking Dead Season 2, and and and oh god it never ends.

  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    Redthirst wrote: »
    Redthirst wrote: »
    Man, people seem to hate Borderlands Pre-Sequel...


    That was my thought, but I've found that a lot of people whining that this should be an expansion for BL2, that it's overpriced, that it's not developed solely by Gearbox. Though I guess it's a pretty common situation when sequels are released.

    Meh, it's a filler game to get tide us over til BL3. Still it's bigger than BL1, so it's a full game. I'm sure it will be 1/2 off by the winter sale.

    Steam ID: Good Life
  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    Redthirst wrote: »
    Shimshai wrote: »
    Those are the issues I would have with it.

    It remains to be seen if they'll fix the loot system though. That more than anything will be a deciding factor for me.

    Maybe I'm alone on it, but I kinda enjoyed the loot system. I know that most items that can drop are usless, but that makes it even more sweet when you find something good.

    I'd like if they would bring back mini loothunt style events where 1 or 2 rare items get a drop rate buff form certain enemies for a day. Maybe do it one or two weekends per month.

    Steam ID: Good Life
  • SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Jazz wrote: »
    Even if it's a shame that (despite their lack of usefulness) the old guts will have to be ripped out. Perhaps a use can be found for some of them? Still.
    If one wanted, the guts from the old Alienware could be used for say, a home router.

    Sorce on
  • akajaybayakajaybay Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Here's an Eschalon Book Three code.

    akajaybay on
  • JazzJazz Registered User regular
    Sorce wrote: »
    Jazz wrote: »
    Even if it's a shame that (despite their lack of usefulness) the old guts will have to be ripped out. Perhaps a use can be found for some of them? Still.
    If one wanted, the guts from the old Alienware could be used for say, a home router.
    There you go, @SmokeStacks. Alienware router.

  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    Jazz wrote: »
    Jazz wrote: »
    Honestly I look at this as a community within a community. When I log on I come straight here, and if it's elsewhere on PA I'd probably miss it - and I'm going to guess that it's similar for a lot of us.

    I try to think the rest of PA is as nice as Steam thread, but I'm constantly reminded that it's just simply not the case.

    You people are gods amongst men. :smiley:

    Whilst I agree this is absolutely true, to be fair, the rest of PA (or at least very large chunks of it) are still better than any other forum on the Intertron.

    I'm mostly here and the Giant Bomb thread over in SE++. Both are full of good people.

  • DaringDirkDaringDirk Daddy CEO Oakland, CARegistered User regular
    3 days until I can start configuring a gaming PC. I am so ready...

  • EmberquickEmberquick Master of Dungeons Deep UndergroundRegistered User regular

    Out of nowhere, @stapleofpaper dropped Murder Miners on me! THANKS!

    (This begs the question, though: If you play a miner and you murder a miner, and they catch you--are you tried as a miner or as an adult?)

  • Pixelated PixiePixelated Pixie They/Them Registered User regular
    Emberquick wrote: »

    Out of nowhere, @stapleofpaper dropped Murder Miners on me! THANKS!

    (This begs the question, though: If you play a miner and you murder a miner, and they catch you--are you tried as a miner or as an adult?)

    Neither. You're unceremoniously thrown to the salt mines for undermining the authority of the major miners, where you're soon forgotten and never brought to... mind.

    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
  • chris: waffle kingchris: waffle king whiskey-fueled crank Osaka's OverbellyRegistered User regular
    HiT BiT wrote: »
    I do wish their free heads were slightly more accessible, though. i just spent an hour one-player'ing through the newest featured co-op stage (final analysis: doable with the poison bubble weapon, but very frustrating) , only to not have the head pop because...i don't know...i went through the wrong menu...or something? Saa...it's pretty schwep looking too...
    @chris: waffle king
    You can unlock the co-op Furbottom's Features related heads (for example the current Barbarian one) by replaying the current solo Furbottom's Feature, even if they are different maps.
    Also, you JUST need to replay the last timed stage to obtain the head.
    I did it this way: I replayed solo the timed stage (its 2 maps) of Industrial of instead playing Cyanile co-op and I got the Barbarian head.

    Oh My Fish...@HiTBiT you are my hero. i think i would've...hrmm...well not pulled my hair out, it's too short for that. But i would have been vexed, perhaps even cross, if i had to run through Cyanile again.


    時計仕掛けの子の丸々太った磁器の顔に表情は無いが、転がりながら、口がカチッと開閉して、腕が上下に動い た。

    ー無名狂師、翻訳者 (俺)
    Wanna watch a gaijin butcher monsters and the Japanese Language all at once? Sure you do, and now you can!
  • HiT BiTHiT BiT 🍒 Fresh, straight from Pac-man's Registered User regular
    Dear Home of Classy People™.
    It's strange that nobody here mentioned the release on Steam of a game with the name of Max Gentlemen.
    It seems to feature more hats per square inch than TF2 and looks more likely a flash game than a Steam game, but it's free to try.
    Also, a top hat wearing corgi DLC.

  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Jazz wrote: »
    Awesome classic Alienware
    Not only is that awesome as hell. Not only is it fantastic that you finally got your unicorn (it's a wonderful feeling, innit?). But it is brilliant that it's being resurrected in a manner that will make it genuinely useful, primarily to you of course but also to this community. I, for one, would get a little bit of a thrill playing something, knowing the server is contained within the bowels of that case. Even if it's a shame that (despite their lack of usefulness) the old guts will have to be ripped out. Perhaps a use can be found for some of them? Still. Top hole, good sir.

    Thank you. I did the transplant last night. I have decided to name her "Beatrice".

    She now packs a 2.4Ghz Core 2 Quad with 6GB of RAM.

    The major downside to older cases like this is that legacy standards are significantly different because legacy systems were significantly different. Cable management is a mess here (see how I have crammed the SATA power cables beneath the optical drives?), as there is no place to route cabling behind the mobo plate (which, by the way, has no cutout for the backplate that would be required by a high performance aftermarket HSF), and the wide IDE cables will clutter things up (although I have a rounded cable that I am using here for the hard drive, and haven't hooked either optical drive up, although the floppy drive is hooked up and functional). Airflow just wasn't as important back then as older systems didn't generate the insane amounts of heat that modern ones do.

    This case has spots for only five fans (two at the front, two at the rear, and one on the door), and all of them are only 80mm. Also, amusingly enough, two of them are missing. Smaller fans move less air and have to spin at a higher RPM to do so (and conversely, larger fans can move more air at a lower RPM, which makes them run quieter), and they are all molex instead of pwm (meaning they are constantly running at 100% instead of increasing or decreasing speed based on internal temperature) so this thing sounds like a monster truck idling on my desk. I'm thinking that the best solution would be to find a way to drill out some mounting spots for additional fans. I could mount a 140mm intake at the center of the bottom panel in between the case feet, as well as a 140mm exhaust at the top of the case as well. Couple that with enlarging the side panel hole and I think I would be able to increase cooling and reduce noise significantly, without altering the general appearance of the case. Or I could just say fuck it and cut a 230mm intake on the side panel, but that would be a last resort (the goal is to make this case usable while maintaining as much of the original appearance as possible). I can remove the lower drive cage and do some measurements to see if I could expand the current 80mm holes enough to at least get a single 120 in there, but that looks like it would be a lot of work so I might concentrate on the easier stuff first.

    The last option would be to get an 80mm to 120mm "funnel" adapter and mount it at one of the rear fan points, but due to the proximity to the CPU it would have to be mounted externally. It would look weird, have exposed wiring, and the side by side orientation of the mounts means that I would only be able to have a single fan there, so I'm going to try to avoid doing that.

    I fired her up last night and she was idling in the low 50s, which is high even for the 105w Q6600, especially considering that the ambient temp in the room was pretty low. I'm concerned about heat so I think I'm going to run some stress tests tonight when the outside temperature dies down a bit. My main concern is that I won't be able to mount a significantly better CPU cooler due to not having access for a backplate without cutting some thick metal, and while I could grab a cheap $60 closed loop watercooler there are no places to mount a radiator, so hopefully the current cooling situation will suffice until I can figure something out. I had a little Newegg credit left from some stuff a while ago, so I ordered one of these to see how it will compare to the fans that are currently installed. 24cfm isn't that great, but if it's really only 14db than I could grab a few more in the future and be able to get a reasonable amount of quietness from this rig without having to bury it. Noctua actually makes really solid high airflow/low noise 80mm fans, but they run $17-$20 a piece, which would mean a single Noctua fan would cost more than the equivalent value of the item I traded for the entire case.
    (Even if my own post-Dell, AlienFX-sporting laptop raises a cybernetic eyebrow at your opening comments. ;) For what it's worth, though, it doesn't care to do any of the stupid showoffy stuff; it spends its life just glowing a nice, calming blue, which I'm sure your case would appreciate.)

    A glow is the best. When I fire up the front LEDs and the internal CCFLs in my Armor Evo case it blankets the area in a lovely red light, it's awesome. In retrospect I think I should have gone with blue, but eh. Those two small wires at the very bottom right side of the Alienware case that go behind the empty purple fan mount are actually two small blue LEDs that I had leftover from some terrible ricer case years ago the I threw in A.) for the hell of it and B.) So I wouldn't lose them again, you can juuuust barely see the blue light from beneath the front slats when it's dark.

    As for the original guts, there were issues with the drive, as well as issues with the BIOS, as well as some graphical corruption going on, so that is a whole lot of troubleshooting that I might get to at some point in the future. The board has a ton of overclocking support due to its enthusiast origins, but when I first fired it up and checked the BIOS the voltage settings were way off, so I think a previous owner might have tried their hand at overclocking and bit off more than the system could chew. I was a little sad, because I wanted to see the system flex its muscle a bit before swapping the hardware, but oh well.

    My internet connection has been crappy lately, but assuming I can get a solid go sometime late tonight I might see how she handles running a HL2DM server, so if anyone wants in on that let me know and you can help me stress test.

    SmokeStacks on
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush yup, back. Registered User regular
    HiT BiT wrote: »
    Also, a top hat wearing corgi DLC.

    Given that Octodad was in there, I assumed that was a reference to Sir Pancakes from Valdis Story, but it's called Watson, so I guess not.

  • JazzJazz Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Jazz wrote: »
    Awesome classic Alienware
    Not only is that awesome as hell. Not only is it fantastic that you finally got your unicorn (it's a wonderful feeling, innit?). But it is brilliant that it's being resurrected in a manner that will make it genuinely useful, primarily to you of course but also to this community. I, for one, would get a little bit of a thrill playing something, knowing the server is contained within the bowels of that case. Even if it's a shame that (despite their lack of usefulness) the old guts will have to be ripped out. Perhaps a use can be found for some of them? Still. Top hole, good sir.

    Thank you. I did the transplant last night. I have decided to name her "Beatrice".

    She now packs a 2.4Ghz Core 2 Quad with 6GB of RAM.

    The major downside to older cases like this is that legacy standards are significantly different because legacy systems were significantly different. Cable management is a mess here (see how I have crammed the SATA power cables beneath the optical drives?), as there is no place to route cabling behind the mobo plate (which, by the way, has no cutout for the backplate that would be required by a high performance aftermarket HSF), and the wide IDE cables will clutter things up (although I have a rounded cable that I am using here for the hard drive, and haven't hooked either optical drive up, although the floppy drive is hooked up and functional). Airflow just wasn't as important back then as older systems didn't generate the insane amounts of heat that modern ones do.

    This case has spots for only five fans (two at the front, two at the rear, and one on the door), and all of them are only 80mm. Also, amusingly enough, two of them are missing. Smaller fans move less air and have to spin at a higher RPM to do so (and conversely, larger fans can move more air at a lower RPM, which makes them run quieter), and they are all molex instead of pwm (meaning they are constantly running at 100% instead of increasing or decreasing speed based on internal temperature) so this thing sounds like a monster truck idling on my desk. I'm thinking that the best solution would be to find a way to drill out some mounting spots for additional fans. I could mount a 140mm intake at the center of the bottom panel in between the case feet, as well as a 140mm exhaust at the top of the case as well. Couple that with enlarging the side panel hole and I think I would be able to increase cooling and reduce noise significantly, without altering the general appearance of the case. Or I could just say fuck it and cut a 230mm intake on the side panel, but that would be a last resort (the goal is to make this case usable while maintaining as much of the original appearance as possible). I can remove the lower drive cage and do some measurements to see if I could expand the current 80mm holes enough to at least get a single 120 in there, but that looks like it would be a lot of work so I might concentrate on the easier stuff first.

    The last option would be to get an 80mm to 120mm "funnel" adapter and mount it at one of the rear fan points, but due to the proximity to the CPU it would have to be mounted externally. It would look weird, have exposed wiring, and the side by side orientation of the mounts means that I would only be able to have a single fan there, so I'm going to try to avoid doing that.

    I fired her up last night and she was idling in the low 50s, which is high even for the 105w Q6600, especially considering that the ambient temp in the room was pretty low. I'm concerned about heat so I think I'm going to run some stress tests tonight when the outside temperature dies down a bit. My main concern is that I won't be able to mount a significantly better CPU cooler due to not having access for a backplate without cutting some thick metal, and while I could grab a cheap $60 closed loop watercooler there are no places to mount a radiator, so hopefully the current cooling situation will suffice until I can figure something out. I had a little Newegg credit left from some stuff a while ago, so I ordered one of these to see how it will compare to the fans that are currently installed. 24cfm isn't that great, but if it's really only 14db than I could grab a few more in the future and be able to get a reasonable amount of quietness from this rig without having to bury it. Noctua actually makes really solid high airflow/low noise 80mm fans, but they run $17-$20 a piece, which would mean a single Noctua fan would cost more than the equivalent value of the item I traded for the entire case.
    (Even if my own post-Dell, AlienFX-sporting laptop raises a cybernetic eyebrow at your opening comments. ;) For what it's worth, though, it doesn't care to do any of the stupid showoffy stuff; it spends its life just glowing a nice, calming blue, which I'm sure your case would appreciate.)

    A glow is the best. When I fire up the front LEDs and the internal CCFLs in my Armor Evo case it blankets the area in a lovely red light, it's awesome. In retrospect I think I should have gone with blue, but eh. Those two small wires at the very bottom right side of the Alienware case that go behind the empty purple fan mount are actually two small blue LEDs that I had leftover from some terrible ricer case years ago the I threw in A.) for the hell of it and B.) So I wouldn't lose them again, you can juuuust barely see the blue light from beneath the front slats when it's dark.

    As for the original guts, there were issues with the drive, as well as issues with the BIOS, as well as some graphical corruption going on, so that is a whole lot of troubleshooting that I might get to at some point in the future. The board has a ton of overclocking support due to its enthusiast origins, but when I first fired it up and checked the BIOS the voltage settings were way off, so I think a previous owner might have tried their hand at overclocking and bit off more than the system could chew. I was a little sad, because I wanted to see the system flex its muscle a bit before swapping the hardware, but oh well.

    My internet connection has been crappy lately, but assuming I can get a solid go sometime late tonight I might see how she handles running a HL2DM server, so if anyone wants in on that let me know and you can help me stress test.

    Postscript as regards the glowing:

    Apologies for the horrible graininess, but that was taken with an iPhone in near-total darkness. It's not properly representative, there's literally no white in the lighting IRL (unless I set it to white, of course). And I usually have the Alienware logo below the screen switched off, but didn't for this pic.

    Jazz on
  • IoloIolo iolo Registered User regular
    Having returned to the world, I owe belated thanks to @chris: waffle king for Smooth Operators:


    And to @shdwcaster‌ for Spy Chameleon:


    Very much appreciated, both of you. Steam gifts on top of a lovely week of vacation with the family is delicious classiness icing on wow it's nice not to be at work cake. Thanks again! <3

    Lt. Iolo's First Day
    Steam profile.
    Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
  • JaysonFourJaysonFour Classy Monster Kitteh Registered User regular
    So something finally came in the mail today... my loot crate! I had extra codes lying in the bottom of mine, so I redeemed one... sent one off to @DyasAlure because they want the game... and as for the third?


    My first steamgifts drawing! Enjoy!

    I can has cheezburger, yes?
  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    Has anyone actually played that call center game? I'm tethered to a phone all day so it seems like fun...

  • TeeManTeeMan BrainSpoon Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Man, Invisible Inc. is hard


    TeeMan on
  • CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular
    Has anyone actually played that call center game? I'm tethered to a phone all day so it seems like fun...

    Yeah. It's a pretty basic management sim. Nothing that stands out, overall a little on the bland side.

  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    Has anyone actually played that call center game? I'm tethered to a phone all day so it seems like fun...

    I've worked at call centers, back when I was younger. I absolutely loath talking on the phone now. When people call me, I'll let it go to voicemail, check the voiemail, and then if it's important I'll text them back. I don't think I would ever play a game that would remind me of those times.

    Hell is walking an 85 year old man with a dying hearing aid battery through programming a universal remote control to work with his TV that was built back when Moses wore short pants.

    Then again, plenty of truckers play Euro Trucking Simulator, so who knows.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    TeeMan wrote: »
    Man, Invisible Inc. is hard


    Game looks awesome, I remember watching the dev stream when they announced it and it was in pre-alpha or whatever. I instantly was all about it. Wish I had monies for it though, I just spent my gamers allowance on music creator and crawl.

    Crawl however is a lot of fun still, even in single player with bots.

  • TeeManTeeMan BrainSpoon Registered User regular
    TeeMan wrote: »
    Man, Invisible Inc. is hard


    Game looks awesome, I remember watching the dev stream when they announced it and it was in pre-alpha or whatever. I instantly was all about it. Wish I had monies for it though, I just spent my gamers allowance on music creator and crawl.

    Crawl however is a lot of fun still, even in single player with bots.

    I believe it'll be discounted for the duration of the beta, so there's time to pick it up next time you've got some cash in the Steam kitty. I'm only a few stages in and have failed quite a bit, but I can feel the claws sinking in in much the same way that Dungeon of the Endless has - the game form is complete, with beta updates chucking in more content and balancing.

  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    I tried deleting, redownloading, turning off my firewall and Borderlands 2 still wont install. Can someone message me if they know how to deal with the #53 error?

    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    Ok, so when there are actual mission the gameplay is fun in Dishonored, just a pretty slow start to the game. Does the GOTY add anything interesting?

    Steam ID: Good Life
  • chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    Ok, so when there are actual mission the gameplay is fun in Dishonored, just a pretty slow start to the game. Does the GOTY add anything interesting?

    A DLC campaign with 6 missions, new powers and weapons, full voice acting, and a new main character.

    Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches are ace.

  • chris: waffle kingchris: waffle king whiskey-fueled crank Osaka's OverbellyRegistered User regular
    Cantido wrote: »
    I tried deleting, redownloading, turning off my firewall and Borderlands 2 still wont install. Can someone message me if they know how to deal with the #53 error?

    If it's anything like what happened with me a few weeks back, you just have to keep trying to install it until it clicks. My kept on running up up to 99% before it crapped out on me. There was no reason i could figure. And then finally it went through with nothing done on my part except stew in frustration.

    Hope it works out for you soon, though.

    時計仕掛けの子の丸々太った磁器の顔に表情は無いが、転がりながら、口がカチッと開閉して、腕が上下に動い た。

    ー無名狂師、翻訳者 (俺)
    Wanna watch a gaijin butcher monsters and the Japanese Language all at once? Sure you do, and now you can!
  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I'm calling this my Birthday Grief Charlie Sheen/50 Cent decent of classholism.
    My father is ill in the hospital and I had a birthday. First one with a bachelors degree and last one with him. I'm kind of at peace.

    Fuck though

    Fuck Yea.
    Tim Schafer
    Match 3 and Tower Defense
    Developers are rude, enter at your own risk
    Early Access Game
    This one is more open world puzzle sim
    Might be better than B:I, at least Minerva's den will be.
    Bitching and reposting
    No bitching for you.

    RoyceSraphim on
  • DyasAlureDyasAlure SeattleRegistered User regular
    JaysonFour wrote: »
    So something finally came in the mail today... my loot crate! I had extra codes lying in the bottom of mine, so I redeemed one... sent one off to @DyasAlure because they want the game... and as for the third?


    My first steamgifts drawing! Enjoy!

    thank you.. redeamed.

  • CorpekataCorpekata Registered User regular

    A visual novel called Clannad is hitting the west / Steam. I do not really follow the VN scene very much but from reading around and asking questions it appears this is actually a pretty big get as far as another "Hooray Japanese developers!" Apparently is supremely popular.

  • MadicanMadican No face Registered User regular
    The first time I ever heard of Clannad was back in high school when Megatokyo was fairly recent.

  • SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Oh man Clannad. I've watched the anime that was based on the VN.

    It uh... they certainly like to earn their endings. Emotionally.

  • SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    gaben you miserable shitface why the fuck would you even offer a download for fucking dedicated server software if the fucking transition to steampipe had fucked everything up jesus christ valve is staffed by fucking idiot mongoloids holy fuck am I salty as shit right now

    edit: Nevermind, I fixed it.

    SmokeStacks on
  • hatedinamericahatedinamerica Registered User regular
    so I'm downloading Dota 2 for some reason (hint: it's because I hate myself)

    I immediately felt bad and bought myself Invisible Inc. to make up for it
    Steam logic!

  • DrascinDrascin Registered User regular
    Sorce wrote: »
    Oh man Clannad. I've watched the anime that was based on the VN.

    It uh... they certainly like to earn their endings. Emotionally.

    I actually rather liked the anime. I admit to crying like a little boy with the Fuko thing.

    That said, I mostly meant the first season. I tend to act as if the second season doesn't exist because I have a certain dislike for characters acting like complete idiots for the sake of drama.

    Steam ID: Right here.
This discussion has been closed.