So yeah I've tried contacted the P.A. guys via email a couple of times now starting 6 months ago, and I give up since I cannot seem to gather a response.
Basically, I don't fault them for that, I'm sure they're "public" conduits for communication are massively backed up with all sorts of junk mails or whatever
Anyways, at 1st I was aiming to have a shot at maybe bringing a few DJ's to play some EDM for the crowd that attends the concerts. Seems to me like they cover the rock and rap genres pretty well as long as they pay tribute to the video game influence, they seem welcome.
I was inquiring to see if they would be interested in mixup of the kind of stuff you may find on OCR for example played out. Since they've already covered the Rock and the Rap, and even the Piano, I don't think it would hurt to expand in to the EDM music.
comes to PAX
anyway, if I can't get ahold of the PAX guys I guess I can see what I can make happen "off site"
I'd rather do it at the convention center since it's an all ages event and the only contacts I have are pretty much the 21+ venues.
hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction.
But seriously. There was some talk of similar in the Bands thread but nothing (read: official attention) ever came of it. If your emails aren't being responded to, I think you can pretty much assume there is a lack of interest amongst the ruling bodies. :P
Edit: Upon perusal of your Myspace, other than "some gamers might listen to it" I don't really see the connection. :P
Edit the second: Oh hay! This *is* the Bands thread now!
But seriously. There was some talk of similar in the Bands thread but nothing (read: official attention) ever came of it. If your emails aren't being responded to, I think you can pretty much assume there is a lack of interest amongst the ruling bodies. :P
there are already enough Epilepsy warnings on video games I thought bringing it to a convetion center would be a non-issue
that picture is from 2 days ago at WaMu Theater btw.
*shrug* People like EDM in Seattle.
and c'mon, I'm sure Gabe & Tycho would want to bust a move
Ok, so after some collaboration, I may be able to find an 18+ venue for this, I'd be aiming to make it so that pax pass = free entry but otherwise, there may be a cover for the venue rental.
all up in the air for now but... we'll see. Still getting my quotes.
Thatd be an awesome way to try and get your foot in the door
FYI: one reason why you may not be getting responce from PAX people is the musical acts may be already decided for this year.
yeah I got that much by now, but I think i started something like 6 months ago as far as trying to get ahold of them, though, I can't be certain. It was a while ago.
needless to say, it appears to be largely the same lineup as the previous year. Which, imo, devalues the PAX experience a bit since we dont all show up to watch the same panels and the same exhibitions do we? (unless you count warhammer, cuz I swear that game is never coming out)
anyways, it's cool. as far as getting my foot in the door, I'm not sure what you mean. I do well enough, I just also happen to be a gamer and a fan of penny arcade.
I noticed Video Games Live is going to be in California August 26th, anyone powerful enough to drag them to Seattle around the time of PAX? I doubt they'll be bringing the show to Arkansas any time soon, so seeing them while at PAX would probably be my best bet at seeing it.
I may get mauled for saying this but I really did not enjoy MC Frontalot last year. I don't like hip hop in general so I'm sure that helps but I was in a pretty bad mood by the time his set FINALLY ended. That said, I only got to see him and the Minibosses and they ROCKED MY FACE. It was my first time seeing them and even though I know they've been guests several times, I want them back always. Always, always always!!! I cannot even contain how much fun I had during that concert. And like everyone else I found Freezepop on Rock Band and was quite upset with myself when I learned that they had been at PAX also last year and I missed it. So this year I'm crossing fingers, toes and eyes while saying a little prayer that I'll get to see both the Minibosses and Freezepop come August.
I may get mauled for saying this but I really did not enjoy MC Frontalot last year. I don't like hip hop in general so I'm sure that helps but I was in a pretty bad mood by the time his set FINALLY ended. That said, I only got to see him and the Minibosses and they ROCKED MY FACE. It was my first time seeing them and even though I know they've been guests several times, I want them back always. Always, always always!!! I cannot even contain how much fun I had during that concert. And like everyone else I found Freezepop on Rock Band and was quite upset with myself when I learned that they had been at PAX also last year and I missed it. So this year I'm crossing fingers, toes and eyes while saying a little prayer that I'll get to see both the Minibosses and Freezepop come August.
I find alot of people don't really like the Front. I've always been fond of him, but I could never get my friends interested.
I may get mauled for saying this but I really did not enjoy MC Frontalot last year. I don't like hip hop in general so I'm sure that helps but I was in a pretty bad mood by the time his set FINALLY ended. That said, I only got to see him and the Minibosses and they ROCKED MY FACE. It was my first time seeing them and even though I know they've been guests several times, I want them back always. Always, always always!!! I cannot even contain how much fun I had during that concert. And like everyone else I found Freezepop on Rock Band and was quite upset with myself when I learned that they had been at PAX also last year and I missed it. So this year I'm crossing fingers, toes and eyes while saying a little prayer that I'll get to see both the Minibosses and Freezepop come August.
PAX '06 was my first year, and I wasn't really interested in any hip hop or nerd core, but stuck around for Optimus Rhyme and it was the greatest thing I'd ever heard, and I knew MC Frontalot was going to play the next night and had heard friends talk about him, so I was pumped, got to the show and just didn't dig it. Same for last year, loved Optimus Rhyme again, and just wasn't feeling the Front. No clue why I don't like it, but at least I'm not alone. As far as Freezepop goes, that was another one I was looking forward to because I'd really enjoyed both the songs presented on GH1 and 2, and that was another huge let down. After 20 minutes my roommate and I just looked at each other, shrugged and without saying a word both knew it was time to leave. Johnathon Coulton was the big surprise for me last year, and I'm looking forward to seeing him again. Same for the One Ups, I had been excited to see them because they're regional to me in addition to being awesome, and they did not disappoint.
playing PAX? I thought mc denounced the whole nerdcore thing and didn't want to be associated with the scene or those artists. I know mc and Optimus Rhyme have beef so is that why we don't get OR?
hey guys, i don't usually post on here but thought i might,
to stoke the enthusiasm fire for the concerts this year.
i can tell you that minibosses already have 40 minutes of
new material for pax this year and that we're so RIDICULOUSLY
excited to play. we've got a batman medley, a super mario bros 3
medley, and we just finished the whole soundtrack to castlevania 2,
among other things. we're super excited to play and we'll be in pictochat
once again as well so come find us. and draw a cock or two.
you know you're gonna anyway.
Pretty sure Optimus Rhyme broke up, so that's probably why they aren't coming.
according to an article in the yakima herald optimus is on a "break" while their memebers explore other projects, who knows what that actually means but pretty much definatley not comming this year
Earth Summer is rapidly approaching. Where does the time go? To our positronic pathways, it's a drop in the bucket. A mere twinkle in the eye of the Imperial Queen.
Optimus Rhyme hit the underground lair in late 2007, and recorded an EP that will be mixed, mastered, and disseminated in the coming months. With that task completed, and Wackacon scouts rendered void of energy or altogether devastated, OR hit the rewind button on the classic Voltron formation and set out on solo paths of self discovery.
Conveyor Belt Wordsmith Wheelie Cyberman encountered Stenobot in a secluded section of ultra-upper class Cyphertron, and recruited engineer extraordinaire Tron Juan to produce a new album under the moniker Supercommuter. The first song is available to download now at:
Kicks & crashes composer Grimrock hit hyper drive and enjoyed the pleasures of deep space before blessing Seattle rockers Safer with his metromaniacal input. Ever prolific, Grimrock and Safer have a new album set to drop in June, with a CD release party at Mars Bar in Seattle. Hear it here:
Bass Theorist Stumblebee has hacked into the data center of the Queen herself, and virtually colocated himself in the heart of the information infiniway. The cerebral cels pulse with potency, while the fingers still move across the simple stretched strings of Earth instruments. Under the alter ego LEIGH3, Stumblebee rants and raves of twist-top wine and gingerbread men. Enjoy it here:
Axe Manipulation Specialist Powerthighs purged his homeworld datacenter, using the defragmented segments to fuel dozens of melodic initiatives based on fractal harmonics. The result is instant fame in the Z79 solar system, and a lucrative contract with Group E records. Expect much more from Powerthighs as the leader of a newly formed thinktank, the name of which is highly classified.
Happy summertime allies.
Yeah they are all doing solo stuff right now. Their myspace does have a song that came out in October I think. Good chance you wouldn't of heard unless they were still playing locally back them.
I've heard a lot of people talk crap about mc chris (most recently at the Seattle showing of "Nerdcore for Life") but I gotta say, I think he's freaking awesome and has a cool personality to boot. I read his blogs and he comes off as a real dude. Plus, I wouldn't have even known about other nerdcore artists had I not gotten into mc chris' music.
I am *SO EXCITED* that mc is back at PAX, he puts on a great show - and go listen to his new tune "Older Crowd" on myspace, it's really cool sounding.
That being said, Optimus is one of my faves too and I'm sad they won't be there. :-(
Plus, I wouldn't have even known about other nerdcore artists had I not gotten into mc chris' music.
Shhhh, don't let him hear you call him a nerdcore artist.
I'm looking forward to seeing him as well, I've been a big fan for some time. All I know though is that he was supposed to play at an independent music festival down here and he stood it up that very morning. I'm all looking right at his tour van, so I know he was there. Bah.
That being said, Optimus is one of my faves too and I'm sad they won't be there. :-(
mc chris is always a fun show and i'll be glad to see him again but optimus has always been my personal favorite show at pax and for me at least it won't be the same without them there. i hope at the very least wheelie will show up and do the ping pong song with frontalot.
wetzelcoatl on
redhaloAlso a Professional AlcoholicRegistered Userregular
edited June 2008
Holy smokes, maybe I'm late to the party on this one but MC Chipmunk by Optimus Rhyme is about MC Chris right? Is this the first nerdcore lyric war? Should I be expecting drive-bys and turf wars to follow? I meen, the lyrics are pretty forward.
Holy smokes, maybe I'm late to the party on this one but MC Chipmunk by Optimus Rhyme is about MC Chris right? Is this the first nerdcore lyric war? Should I be expecting drive-bys and turf wars to follow? I meen, the lyrics are pretty forward.
Since it is nerdcore rap battles, it will involve people fighting via DoS attacks and throwing empty Bawls bottles at eachother.
Holy smokes, maybe I'm late to the party on this one but MC Chipmunk by Optimus Rhyme is about MC Chris right? Is this the first nerdcore lyric war? Should I be expecting drive-bys and turf wars to follow? I meen, the lyrics are pretty forward.
Since it is nerdcore rap battles, it will involve people fighting via DoS attacks and throwing empty Bawls bottles at eachother.
Holy smokes, maybe I'm late to the party on this one but MC Chipmunk by Optimus Rhyme is about MC Chris right? Is this the first nerdcore lyric war? Should I be expecting drive-bys and turf wars to follow? I meen, the lyrics are pretty forward.
Since it is nerdcore rap battles, it will involve people fighting via DoS attacks and throwing empty Bawls bottles at eachother.
Sure, it's a joke now, but you just wait...
It wasn't a joke, like DMX said "Mount Up!" No Timeout Soldier.
One request:
More Chrono Trigger. Also, Earthbound.
All those bands that just take midis and play them on their electric guitars get kind of tiresome.
Hmmmm......there's still Re: Your Brains. Plus Frontalot's got a couple of anthems.
So sweet.
Basically, I don't fault them for that, I'm sure they're "public" conduits for communication are massively backed up with all sorts of junk mails or whatever
Anyways, at 1st I was aiming to have a shot at maybe bringing a few DJ's to play some EDM for the crowd that attends the concerts. Seems to me like they cover the rock and rap genres pretty well as long as they pay tribute to the video game influence, they seem welcome.
I was inquiring to see if they would be interested in mixup of the kind of stuff you may find on OCR for example played out. Since they've already covered the Rock and the Rap, and even the Piano, I don't think it would hurt to expand in to the EDM music.
comes to PAX
anyway, if I can't get ahold of the PAX guys I guess I can see what I can make happen "off site"
I'd rather do it at the convention center since it's an all ages event and the only contacts I have are pretty much the 21+ venues.
hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction.
see signature for more info.
But seriously. There was some talk of similar in the Bands thread but nothing (read: official attention) ever came of it. If your emails aren't being responded to, I think you can pretty much assume there is a lack of interest amongst the ruling bodies. :P
Edit: Upon perusal of your Myspace, other than "some gamers might listen to it" I don't really see the connection. :P
Edit the second: Oh hay! This *is* the Bands thread now!
there are already enough Epilepsy warnings on video games I thought bringing it to a convetion center would be a non-issue
that picture is from 2 days ago at WaMu Theater btw.
*shrug* People like EDM in Seattle.
and c'mon, I'm sure Gabe & Tycho would want to bust a move
all up in the air for now but... we'll see. Still getting my quotes.
Thatd be an awesome way to try and get your foot in the door
FYI: one reason why you may not be getting responce from PAX people is the musical acts may be already decided for this year.
yeah I got that much by now, but I think i started something like 6 months ago as far as trying to get ahold of them, though, I can't be certain. It was a while ago.
needless to say, it appears to be largely the same lineup as the previous year. Which, imo, devalues the PAX experience a bit since we dont all show up to watch the same panels and the same exhibitions do we? (unless you count warhammer, cuz I swear that game is never coming out)
anyways, it's cool. as far as getting my foot in the door, I'm not sure what you mean. I do well enough, I just also happen to be a gamer and a fan of penny arcade.
I find alot of people don't really like the Front. I've always been fond of him, but I could never get my friends interested.
PAX '06 was my first year, and I wasn't really interested in any hip hop or nerd core, but stuck around for Optimus Rhyme and it was the greatest thing I'd ever heard, and I knew MC Frontalot was going to play the next night and had heard friends talk about him, so I was pumped, got to the show and just didn't dig it. Same for last year, loved Optimus Rhyme again, and just wasn't feeling the Front. No clue why I don't like it, but at least I'm not alone. As far as Freezepop goes, that was another one I was looking forward to because I'd really enjoyed both the songs presented on GH1 and 2, and that was another huge let down. After 20 minutes my roommate and I just looked at each other, shrugged and without saying a word both knew it was time to leave. Johnathon Coulton was the big surprise for me last year, and I'm looking forward to seeing him again. Same for the One Ups, I had been excited to see them because they're regional to me in addition to being awesome, and they did not disappoint.
Truckasaurus would be easy to book and even easier to enjoy.
to stoke the enthusiasm fire for the concerts this year.
i can tell you that minibosses already have 40 minutes of
new material for pax this year and that we're so RIDICULOUSLY
excited to play. we've got a batman medley, a super mario bros 3
medley, and we just finished the whole soundtrack to castlevania 2,
among other things. we're super excited to play and we'll be in pictochat
once again as well so come find us. and draw a cock or two.
you know you're gonna anyway.
Kicks ass is an understatement about how awesome that show was and you know it :P
according to an article in the yakima herald optimus is on a "break" while their memebers explore other projects, who knows what that actually means but pretty much definatley not comming this year
Yeah they are all doing solo stuff right now. Their myspace does have a song that came out in October I think. Good chance you wouldn't of heard unless they were still playing locally back them.
I am *SO EXCITED* that mc is back at PAX, he puts on a great show - and go listen to his new tune "Older Crowd" on myspace, it's really cool sounding.
That being said, Optimus is one of my faves too and I'm sad they won't be there. :-(
Shhhh, don't let him hear you call him a nerdcore artist.
I'm looking forward to seeing him as well, I've been a big fan for some time. All I know though is that he was supposed to play at an independent music festival down here and he stood it up that very morning. I'm all looking right at his tour van, so I know he was there. Bah.
mc chris is always a fun show and i'll be glad to see him again but optimus has always been my personal favorite show at pax and for me at least it won't be the same without them there. i hope at the very least wheelie will show up and do the ping pong song with frontalot.
Since it is nerdcore rap battles, it will involve people fighting via DoS attacks and throwing empty Bawls bottles at eachother.
Sure, it's a joke now, but you just wait...
It wasn't a joke, like DMX said "Mount Up!" No Timeout Soldier.